Showmax has released the trailer for “Tracking Thabo Bester,” a true-crime documentary that delves into the story of Thabo Bester, a convicted murderer and rapist whose supposed death in prison turned out to be a hoax.
Produced by IdeaCandy, the series follows the investigative journey of journalists Marecia Damons and Daniel Steyn, exploring the twists and turns surrounding Bester’s case.
Scheduled for release on March 15 and 22, the documentary examines Bester’s criminal past, his relationship with a celebrity doctor, and the mystery surrounding his alleged death in prison.
Featuring interviews with key figures and touching on the broader issues within the South African prison system, the series sheds light on a scandal that captured the nation’s attention.
Directed by Nikki Comninos, the documentary raises questions about similar cases and the state of the prison system in South Africa.
The trial of Bester and his co-accused has been postponed to June 5, 2024.
Stream Tracking Thabo Bester on Showmax from March 15