First of all, Which couple spends their time on vacation in a cabin together, with no interesting conversations, intimacy or any sort of entertainment, making it seem as though they are bored out of their minds??
A waste of time for anyone who watches it. From the outset, the film lacks any semblance of a coherent plot, leaving viewers scratching their heads in confusion.
The acting is so wooden and unconvincing making it difficult to suspend disbelief and get lost in the story.
Additionally, the script is poorly written, with dialogue that is not only uninteresting but also frequently cringe-worthy.
The jump scares are predictable, and the special effects even worse, so laughably bad that they only serve to break the already fragile suspension of disbelief.
To summarize, it is a low budget horror movie with a lame script, no plot, bad acting, and lackluster.
The movie is available on Apple TV, Vudu and Amazon Free for Rent/Buy/Subscription.